
Sunday 4 August 2013

Catch Up Day

I have been neglecting my Back to Square One Mystery quilt for a few months.  The August clue was posted a couple of days ago, and this reminded me to dig out my progress.  I put the quilt top away in May, and haven't had it out since.  Looking at the clues, I know why I avoided it.  Clue #4 was square-in-a-square, in a square.  A bit intimidating, and with visitors coming I had the perfect excuse to put it away. 

However, it's time to get back on track.  I pulled the top out yesterday, and started to work on the May clue.  I wanted to get caught up in time to post my progress on the July clue, so I had some work to do.  Clue 4 finished - 20 blocks.  And low and behold - clue 5 was 20 more of the same block in different colouring!  Those, I left for today.  But I pushed through, finished all the blocks, and attached the borders to the quilt.  Clue 6 done.

Clue 7 at least was a change of pace - 24 log cabin blocks.  Little strips, finishing at 3/4", but at least there are no triangles here :)  I finished those too, and I am now officially done all the clues up to and including July.

August is more square-in-a-square. I think I will take a break for a week or so, before I tackle those.  But hopefully they'll be done before the end of the month, and I can stay on track again.

Drop by Judy's blog to see how everyone else is doing with their quilts.

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