
Tuesday 6 August 2013

More Border thoughts

There were several suggestions on my borders for the mystery quilt I showed on Monday.  Some people thought I should scrap the pieced border - I just can't do that, for two reasons.  First, it is part of the quilt design.  While I don't mind modifying colours, I don't really like the idea of scrapping a large part of the border which was designed for this quilt.  But, I have done that in the past. I think the bigger issue is - there's  a heck of a lot of work in that border :)

I did come up with a couple additional thoughts today. I think I like the second one of these best, and will probably go with that.  The green gets tossed, but I like the way the multi-coloured fabric works in the two border positions, better than the dark brown.  I also added an applique that I am thinking of including, which picks up the blue and multi-colour from the star blocks, and adds a touch of the green..  The large plain square seemed out of place to me, so I thought I would add something.  This was inspired by the Ricky Tims presentation I saw last Thursday, where he talked about his applique.

linking up for Work in Progress Wednesday, over at The Needle and Thread Network and at Freshly Pieced.  


  1. Oh dear! I have no advice but wanted to say how much I love these blocks and love a pieced border. I wouldn't pitch something that had that much work in it either!

    I think you're right about the second picture being better. The bright green (and blue in the last post) just jump out too much. The multi feels much more at home in the quilt.

    I guess I did have some advice after all. Good luck! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  2. love the applique idea and the multi-colour for the border is a good choice. Have fun finishing it up!
