
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Time for Knitting

I have decided to get my knitting needles back out, and join a knit-along with Judy over at Patchwork Times.  Judy is knitting Dreambird, so yesterday I went over to Ravelry and bought the pattern.  I wanted to do this from yarn I already have, so I dug out some Wollmeise that I've been holding onto for a while, and went hunting for something to pair it with.  This is what I found.  I thought it might work, but after I wound it in to a ball, I see there is more brown and less yellow than I thought.

Then this morning I had an inspiration - silver would be beautiful with this yarn.  So I headed out to a yarn shop at noon to find some. Apparently, silver is not a popular yarn choice.  But I did find something that I think will work nicely, and I do prefer it over the brown.  So, yarn chosen.  Cast on day is Sunday, so now I wait.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful colour choices. I love the blue and silver.
