
Saturday 31 August 2013

Weekend projects

I traded sewing for sawing this weekend.  I found out recently that my son has a dust allergy, so I promised to replace the carpets in his room, in order to try to alleviate some of the symptoms.  So, that's on the agenda for this weekend, and the sewing machine is going to have to wait a bit longer for attention.

Flooring is turning out to be a lot more work than I thought.  His room is a simple rectangle, nothing fancy, so I thought this would go pretty quickly. But it turns out that when you trek up and down (or down and up) 2 flights of stairs every time you have to cut a board, you make a lot of trips. And it takes a lot of energy.  Just about 1/2 done now, but it's time to tackle the closet so taking a break for a while.  Besides, it's way too late (and dark) to be working on flooring.

During rest periods, I have been picking up my dreambird knitting.  It is coming along really nicely, although there's a long way to go before it feels like a shawl.  7 feathers done, and it's starting to get to that awkward stage where the body of the shawl gets in the way every time I turn a row.  I'm glad I jumped on board this project though - it is turning out to be a lot of fun, even if the 22 pages of the pattern were a bit intimidating at the start.

I'm linking up (a day or two late) with Judy's Dreambird progress.

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