
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Catch-Up Time

It's catch up week!  All of my block of the month projects are behind, and it's 5 days to the end of the month, so here goes nothing.  How many can get caught up before Thursday?
  1. Back to Square One.  August is complete, but Sept and Oct have not been touched. 
  2. Downtown BOM.  I received the first blocks a couple of weeks ago, and haven't even opened the package. Next class is Nov 6, so gotta get moving on this.
  3. Block party. Thanks goodness October was cancelled, but I still haven't finished the blocks we got in September, so those must get done before the next block party.
  4. Toes in the Sand.  The LQS is running this as a block of the month.  I managed to miss the first class, so now I have to catch up before the next one.
  5. Gardener's Alphabet.  Let's not even talk about this one. I'm so far behind I've lost count. But now that Tigger is complete, I should be able to start working on this again.
  6. Guild mystery.  This one is OK for this month.  Cutting instructions were handed out on Wednesday, but I'm going to sit on my fabric for another month, and cut as we go rather than all up front.
  7. Border Creek Station. Thank goodness it's running a month later than I thought.  No clue yet, but it should be available on Friday.
  8. Get it Done! for October.  Looking at my list, I have 2 quilts to bind before Thursday.  That is definitely not going to happen, although there's a chance one will get finished since it's 3/4 done.
Whew, that's a list and half. So on Sunday I spent the afternoon plugging away at the September clue for Back to Squaer One.  24 log cabins - this may be an easy block, but it sure is a time sink.  I got a lot done, but no where near the end.  Still have half of the logs to attach to these blocks.  But I did manage to get the solid border attached to the quilt.  So, now I need a plan to get me to Thursday.

1 - finish the log cabins.
2- tackle the October clue. I would really like to complete this step before Judy posts her linky on Thursday.
3 -  catch up on block party

That should keep me busy until the 1st but if I have extra time, I'll start on the Downtown blocks for this month.

1 comment:

  1. Love your color and fabric choices for this quilt ... :) Pat
