
Thursday 31 October 2013

November "Get it Done!"

Each month Judy challenges us to set some goals and see what we can get done that month.  Here's what I said at the beginning of this month:

For October, I'm keeping my plans minimal, and binding oriented apparently:

  1. Bind Storm at Sea
  2. Bind Bear's Paw 
  3. Bind Labyrinth
  4. Finish quilting Dresden plate (not mine)

From this list, I can say - done, not done, 1/2 done, done.  I guess that's not too bad, and I had really hoped that 1/2 done would be finished by today, but that doesn't happen when you just sit and look at the quilt that needs binding :)

I did get my Storm at Sea bound, as I mentioned earlier.  And the dresden plate quilt I quilted for  a friend came out really nicely.  But it appears that I let that one go without taking a single picture of it.

I even finished quilting my Kaffe Fasset quilt - but it wasn't on my list.  And the labyrinth quilt is almost done binding - I just need one evening with it to finish that one.

Overall, not a bad month progress-wise.  For next month, I think I want to:
  1. finish binding labyrinth
  2. quilt and bind Living in Harmony
  3. bind bear paw
  4. catch up on BOM - Downtwon, Toes in the Sand, and Block party.
There's not a single quilt piecing project there - but that dosen't mean I not doing one (or two). I'm off to a retreat next weekend, and I have several projects already in mind for taking with me.  Which of course will just add to the stack of "to be quilted" projects I'm collecting.

Drop by Judy's blog to see how everyone else did on their lists this month.