
Monday 11 November 2013

Design Wall Monday

Today, my design wall has a quilt that I started yesterday at the retreat.  After I finished my first 2 projects, I pulled this one out and started making blocks.  I designed this labyrinth several months ago and have been waiting for a chance to tackle it. Every block is different - the quilt has an entry, an exit, and a single path through the maze.  I took the pattern, divided it up into 18" squares, and am putting them together a piece at a time.  3 rows out of 5 are done (there are more blocks finished, but my design wall isn't wide enough to hold the whole quilt.  The little bits of white paper are the row/column numbers for each block, so I don't have to put together a jigsaw puzzle in the end :) 

Having put it on the wall, I've already spotted one mistake, which I will take care of this morning.  Then, I'm going to cut the strips for the rest of the quilt - because I'm starting to doubt my calculations and I'm a bit afraid of running out of fabric. If I figure that out soon enough, I can redesign the bottom of the quilt to fit the fabric I have.

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone has on their design walls today.


  1. This is awesome! I love mazes and have made a few labyrinth quilts. Cnan't wait to see it finished!

  2. What a great quilt. Your fabric choices for that couldn't have been better.

  3. Your quilt is so cool! I have seen a pattern for a quilt similar to yours and have wanted to make it. Lovely!

  4. That quilt is amazing!! Sorry for the play on words.... I couldn't resist. LOL!

  5. The 3-D effect in your maze is aMAZing :-)

  6. This labyrinth quilt is AMAZING!!!!! Beautiful and just way to much fun to look at! I love dong the maze puzzles in book and newspapers and this just makes me want to go play with it and see if can get out on the first try!

    I should to do a corn maze next year!! Beautiful. You are very talented!!
