
Monday 30 December 2013

Design Wall Monday - Dec 30

The last design wall of 2013!  I've been busily trying to finish up / catch up some things before New Year's.  First, I caught up on my Toes in the Sand blocks. I think we were on month 3. One was done, so here are the two blocks from each of month 2 & 3.

Then, I've been busily working on my Diamond Star. I love this book, and I definitely plan to make more quilts from it, but first I have to finish the square version of my turquoise star so I can figure out fabric requirements for a class.  Just the borders left to do now, and I hope to finish them today so I can pick up some backing at the sale on Thursday. The book is Diamond Chain by Barbara H. Cline.

And, piled in a box is my prep work for the New Year's Eve mystery that I'm signed up for.  Can't wait to start this one.

Drop by Judy's blog to see what every else is working on to close out the year.

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