
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Catching up

I've been working diligently on a customer quilt the past few days, but every once in a while I need a break from cross-hatching.  Two hours is about my max.  So I've also been working away at some of my current projects during my breaks, trying to keep up, and/or catch up, on all my on-going projects.

First, I completed the January blocks for Judy's "Tell it to the Stars" mystery.   I'm having second thoughts about the multi-coloured fabric in there, but hopefully it will work for me in the end.

And, I'm trying to catch up on Bonnie's Celtic Solstice.  Given that the reveal was last week, "catch up" really means finish.  So, here are the final parts - next step is to assemble the blocks.

My quilt is going to be a bit smaller than Bonnie's. I don't need a giant quilt so I made 1/2 the blocks.  I'm kind of glad about that, because the colours aren't really working for me in this quilt.  I like these little bits, but the orange and green in the other sections are too dark - I probably would have been happier with a lighter green.  Oh well.  I have just about enough to make the quilt 4x6 blocks, which should finish around 48x66 - or a bit more if I extend the borders. That will make a lovely donation for Victoria's Quilts.  So, I'll assemble what I have, cut the additional pieces I need to finish the small quilt, and keep going.

I'm linking up over at The Needle and Thread Network.  Drop by to check out more Canadian bloggers and their works in progress.

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