
Sunday 19 January 2014

Stash Report - Jan 19

I have nothing to report as completed this week for my stash report. And while I thought I was done shopping, one parcel arrived from my New Year's week extravagance. That is 17  yards in. On the good news front, I was at the quilt shop yesterday, and they did have some beautiful new fabric in stock. But none of it followed me home.  There's hope for me yet :)

Totals for the year:
180 yards in
13 yards out
Total: 167 yards in

Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports.

1 comment:

  1. Hope your class went well. Your Celtic Solstice quilt looks amazing. You certainly will have plenty of fabric to choose from when beginning your next quilt. Hard to pass up all the end of the year / start of the year sales!
