
Sunday 26 January 2014

Stash Report - Jan 26

I was doing so well.  Even made a couple of trips to the quilt store in the past few weeks and walked out empty handed.  Not so much, yesterday.  I was teaching a class, which means I was at the shop. And I was looking for more of one particular fabric, because my current quilt is going to be pretty small unless I can find more background.  I didn't do so well there (found 2 fat quarters of it, but that's all there was left).  But as I walked in, a new fabric line caught my eye, and a bundle of fat quarters jumped into my hand.

That wouldn't have been too bad, but then I taught my course, and one of the ladies had a gorgeous fabric line in her quilt.  So I went browsing after class, and they still had the line.  But just a little bit left of each fabric.  So some of that came home with me, with a vague plan for a quilt.  And of course, some background/border fabric to go with what I was buying.

And I suppose I have to count the free fat quarter the LQS was giving away with purchase today.

So, all told, 11.5 yards added to my stash today.  And nothing I can count as used, although I came really close last night to getting a top finished. That will be on next week's count.

Totals for the year:
191 1/2 yards in
13 yards out
Total: 178 1/2 yards in

Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports.


  1. I fell off the wagon too this weekend while purchasing border and backing fabric to finish a couple WIPS - I bought a kona solids FQ pack, also with vague plans for a quilt. Oops. Maybe the secret is to sew faster?

  2. You got some great looking fabric! Sorry they didn't have more of the background fabric you needed.

  3. Great fabric. Don't you just hate that when the FQs start jumping into your hands?!

  4. Krista, I like what fabric you brought home, but I'm glad it's in your stash! I am still doing great on my numbers for the year because I haven't had time to go shopping. !
