
Sunday 16 February 2014

Stash Report - Feb 16

I thought I was going to be able to report nothing in today. But no, I stopped by the quilt shop to pick up some additional fabric for my next quilt. I have a layer cake, and the perfect pattern for it.  But I needed a bit more of the background fabrics in order to fill out the full quilt.  So, 1 1/4 yards of fabric came home with me, and I have a little bundle all set up. Not sure if I'll leave it to sit and take it to retreat in April (that's so far away) or cut into it once the current quilt is complete.  It took a lot of restraint to avoid starting it this week - but I distracted myself with a block of the month instead.

I might actually have usage to report next week. I'm assembling rows on the quilt I've been working on, so depending how much time I can devote to it I might get it done.  Monday is a holiday after all.

Totals for the year:
 201 3/4 yards in
 21 1/2 yards out
Total: 180 1/4 yards in

Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports.


  1. Oh, lucky you to have a holiday to sew. And a new project to start!

  2. A retreat is certainly something to look forward to and April will be here before you know it. Enjoy your quilting holiday tomorrow.

  3. Enjoy your holiday stitching time.
