
Sunday 23 February 2014

Stash Report - Feb 23

Finally I have some usage to report. I think this is my first finished quilt of the year, since the New Year's Day mystery.
7 yards used in this quilt - which desperately needs a name.

I'm working on the backing now, which will use up the rest of the coloured fabrics and then trying to find some black batting for quilting it.

Nothing else to report today, so my numbers for the year are:

Totals for the year:
 201 3/4 yards in
 28 1/2 yards out
Total: 173 1/4 yards in

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone else is up to. 


  1. Great quilt. I love how you made the colors explode out to the edges of the quilt.

  2. WOW. You sure have an eye for design. How about "Spectrum"?

  3. So beautiful! I love your design, and that dark fabric is perfect.

  4. Beautiful quilt, love all the colors.

  5. Rainbow Explosion! I love your quilt top.

  6. Love it! All your experimentation with different layouts really paid off - this looks great!
