
Monday 28 April 2014

Design Wall Monday

I completely forgot to post this morning.  I do actually have something new on my design wall, although it might come down in the same state it went up. I picked these blocks up off the scrap table at guild last month, figuring I could easily turn them into a baby quilt for charity.  However, I don't have any fabric in this vein.  There are 10 blocks, so could possibly set them on point, if I come up with something for setting triangles. Or I can take apart one block and turn it into sashing strips, since it is made up of 6 horizontal segments.

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone else is up to.


  1. Pretty colors. I'd have trouble matching these fabrics in my stash, too. I'm sure you will come up with something great.

  2. you brought home a tough one! Saw the picture of snow with rain, now dirty wet snow! Hope its gone and you're thinking of what to plant in the garden.
