
Monday 21 July 2014

Design Wall Monday - July 21

I have some real progress to share today, on my design wall.  Not sure what happened, but I had a seriously productive sewing weekend the past 2 days.  I finished the top for the Ottawa Modern Quilt Guild summer challenge.  I have plans for the back, and will get that done soon I hope.  I don't think the challenge is due until January, but I am hoping to have it done for the September meeting.  Will depend whether I can get some time on the longarm for my own quilts :)

I also made great progress on my Metro Lattice quilt this weekend.  It's really starting to come together. All the curves are sewn. I had planned to make it one row wider, and I checked and double checked that I had enough fabric to cut the extra lattice pieces I needed.  And after I cut them I discovered that I'm 2 blocks short :(  So, the quilt stays the original size, I guess.  There's still a chance that will change - I had planned to use that fabric for the border, too, and now I'm out. So it'll either be a scrappy yellow border, or I'll try to pick up some more of the light grey this week.

Drop by Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Those cubes are amazing.
    I love the Metro Lattice, especially the contrast of the dark green.


  2. The summer challenge quilt is amazing! The 3-D effect is really cool.

    Metro Lattice is looking good too.
