
Sunday 6 July 2014

Stash Report - July 6

Let's see if I can remember the last couple of weeks, since I've been a bit absent ont he blog and haven't posted a stash report recently.

6 yards - for a "one block wonder"
1/4 yard - for a "paint chip challenge" - I had the other 3 fabrics I need, so at least I shopped my stash first :)
2 3/4 yards - for a guild challenge
2 1/2 yards - a backup option for the challenge.

I think that covers it - 11 1/2 yards in over the past 2 weeks. And absolutely nothing to count out. Although I did at least get some time in the sewing room yesterday. Maybe I'll get photos of that posted for the design wall tomorrow.

Stash totals for the year:
451 1/4 yards in
112 1/2 yards out
Total: 338 3/4  yards in

 Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! Well, you needed this week's fabric. Hope you make some finishes soon and get rolling in the other direction. Have a good week!
