
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Work in Progress

After posting yesterday about having second thoughts on this quilt, I've made some adjustments and am a bit happier with where this quilt is going.  Thanks to a reader for suggesting some rearrangement of the strips. I didn't go as far as I maybe could have, because that would have involved piecing a lot of strips back together. But this seems a bit more cohesive than yesterday's arrangement.

Now to finish sewing all the strips together. This has been a great quilt for a first project with my new toy :)  A Bernina 750 came home with me over the weekend, and I'm learning the ins and outs of my first new machine in 15 years.  Almost have that scant 1/4" down pat with this one. All those 2 1/2" strips are great for checking (and undoing and resewing and rechecking) my accuracy.

I'm linking up with Work in Progress Wednesday over on Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network today.

1 comment:

  1. This is looking pretty and your changes have definitely worked well.
