
Wednesday 17 December 2014

2015 Goals

It's always good to have goals. Even if we fall short of them.  For 2015, I have some plans, some hopes, and some dreams :)

At last count, I had 18 tops that need to be quilted. I think the number has gone up by at least 2 since then, but let's call it 18 for now.  I hope to quilt 6 of them next year (1 every 2 months - that should be achievable, right?)  Plus, not add to them. So, for every quilt I finish, one will get quilted (not necessarily the one I just finished, but something on the list).

I'm going to continue to track my stash in/out - but next year I am determined to only bring in fabric that has an immediate use.  So my out should be much higher than my in count, I hope.  I have Judy as a shining example of what's possible here.

I am involved in a number of block of the month/mystery quilts
  1. Guild mystery
  2. Bonnie Hunter mystery
  3. Border Creek Station mystery
  4. Reflections of the North block of the month
  5. Mastering Miniatures block of the week
  6. A Patchwork Year block of the month 
  7. Tell it to the Stars mystery
Plus Downtown block of the month. Actually, let's be honest and call this one a true UFO. The BOM finished a few months ago, and I have 4 months to go.

I hereby resolve to sign up for LESS next year.  Or maybe I mean the year after.  Several of the projects above (3,4,6) will run all year.  #2 should finish around New Years.  #7 should be done now so I just need to catch up on the last 2 clues, #1 ends in May, and #5 has 10 more weeks to run. That will leave me with 3 BOM projects for the last part of the year.  It's so hard to resist a new mystery. Let's see if I can stay strong :)

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