
Sunday 8 February 2015

Stash Report - Feb 8

Well, here it is. 17 quilts on hangers with backings and ready to be quilted. None of the backings are counted out yet - I'll do that when I load them on the longarm, because I've been known to change my mind before it gets to that point.

I know I said 22 in my stack - one is too big to hang up (ok, I just can't be bothered to try to refold the giant thing); I'm working on the backing for one; one is too small to hang; I'm still looking for one more backing.  That's 4 of the others. And sadly, one has completely disappeared :(  I can't find it anywhere, despite cleaning/moving just about everything in my sewing room.  It has to be there somewhere, so hopefully it will turn up when I get to the bottom of a bin one day.

I'm going to link up to WIPs Be Gone, with all my WIPs that need to go :)

And my stash report this week - not too bad although it did head in the wrong direction.  More than half of what came in has gone out so far this year, so that's good news however.

In this week:
2 yards - borders & binding for block of the week
2 yards - additional backing for Tell it to the Stars

Nothing I can count as out for this week, but next up on the longarm is one of mine, so that will get a backing counted.

Stash totals for the year:
72.5 yards in
42.5 yards out
Total: 30 yards in

Drop by Judy's blog to see how everyone else is doing this week.


  1. If you execute your plan, you will certainly have lots going out soon. I've got a few more WIPs/UFOs than you, but most of mine aren't even close to being ready to quilt.

  2. Wow! I have a lot of WIPS/UFOs but no finished tops. That's what I'm working on each week. looking forward to seeing you quilt these. ~Melanie

  3. You are so organized. I think your usage so far this year is great even though you've brought in more. It won't be long before you will be hitting it out of the ballpark on your outgoing numbers!

  4. Wish mine were all at the stage - some are just kits I bought and haven't even started. I'm bad. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone - I look forward to seeing your progress, Krista.
