
Monday 2 March 2015

I found it! I found it!

My missing quilt has come home! Apparently I even made a backing for it. And then I carefully folded the backing up with the quilt inside it. And in one of my cleaning fests, I placed that backing fabric back on the shelf, thinking it was unused.

Hunting for backing for my neutral quilts today, I pulled this out and found a surprise inside!!

Badly in need of ironing, but the quilt is there and the backing is pieced, so now it's hanging - quilt side out - in my "to be quilted" closet.

It's design wall Monday today, but nothing has changed there. I still have my second neutral quilt on the wall from this post. I've been working on catching up on a Mystery quilt, so I have lots of blocks parts made and filed away in little baggies, but nothing to show yet.

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone else is up to.


  1. know Krista...the mind is the first thing to go!!!!!! Lol

  2. Great find! These colors are my favorite!!

  3. Good for you. I'm glad you found it. I'm still missing about 2 or 3 tops but I know they will show up one day.

  4. What a wonderful surprise!

  5. So glad for you! Lovely quilt, too.

  6. I'm glad you finally found it. It's so funny that you lost it that way as I often wrap fabric in other fabric, this could easily happen to me and drive me batty. Note to self to identify 'bundles' somehow...
