
Wednesday 20 January 2010

Quilt Guilt

Thanks to Judy's quiltathon, I got a lot of quilting done this past weekend.  Finished one quilt, and have 2 others in the binding stage.  

Do you think that unfinished quilts try to make us feel guilty?  Now that I've acknowledged their existance, a couple of my UFOs are sending out waves of guilt, crying "finish me next!".  I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out.  There are some notable UFOs still hanging around, although not as many as before.

The Hawaiian quilt has not left its corner all week.  It sits quietly and emits waves of guilt when I pick up any other hand sewing.  The dragon is sleeping not-so-quietly in the box I packed it into last year.  It's starting to rumble for air and sunshine, and I swear the box is leaning farther out of the closet every day.  And yet I avoid them.

I'm quite sure that if I take the Hawaiian off the frame and quilt it unframed, it will go faster.  But I worry that this would change the look of the quilting, so I have not done that.  And thus it sits, and waits.

The dragon is stretched thin, fabric wise, so I really need to move forward on that so I can figure out what extras I need to buy.  Ooh, a shopping trip!  Could that be incentive to finish this one?  Nope.  Not yet, apparently.

Ah well.  Since it's Wednesday today, here's an update on my Accountability Challenge.  My goals for this week do not include dragon nor Hawaiian projects.  This week, I hope to finish the binding on at least one of the 2 quilts from last weekend, and to make some more blocks for my son's quilt.

Here's the UFO list:
- a Hawaiian wall-quilt that's been on my frame since 2005
- a picture quilt from my 2005 trip to Mexico
- a set of 3 wall quilts (need final embroidery and to be hung) (started in 2008)
- a stained glass dragon (started in 2009)
- tumbling blocks (started in 2009)
- reversible quilt (started in 2009)
- kaleidoscope quilt (started in 2009)
- bargello quilt (Sept 2009)
- Star mystery quilt (needs quilting binding) (Sept 2009)
- Morning Splash (needs quilting binding) (Nov 2009)

Pop over to Bari's blog to see what other quilters have been up to this week.


  1. My UFOs speak to me, too. But the fabrics for NEW projects YELL at me, so they get started before I work on UFOs, therefore creating new UFOs... it is a vicious cycle. It looks like you are making good progress on your list... WAY TO GO!!

  2. The Quiltathon helped me get a lot done, too, but as for this report, it only made things worse! My island is more of a wreck than it was before!

  3. You got a LOT done this weekend! Wow! I wasn't able to take part in the quiltathon....too much going on, but I have gotten a little done here and there.

    I am like Kat and new projects really yell!


  4. You got a lot accomplished. Those U F O"S are talking to you. LOL You will pick them in time.

  5. Sometimes I think the unquilted tops are giving me the evil eye - I am sure they talk about me behind my back!

    But you have things crossed off -- that is awesome!

  6. I hear those UFO's too. The whispers are getting louder. Do you think we need medication
