
Monday 18 January 2010

Design Wall Monday - Jan 18

It's been a busy weekend for me.  Judy's quiltathon was great inspiration to get some stuff done.  I concentrated mostly on finishing projects (1 quilt done, 2 ready for binding), but I did start a new project and I made some progress on my leaders & enders project too.

First, a block I just showed on my last quiltathon post. This is the start of a quilt for my youngest son.  I sure hope he likes the colours.   There's a long way to go on this project, so this first block is my incentive to continue.  I expect you'll see it a few more times before the quilt is done :)

And a few more half-sqaure triangles from the leaders and enders. Green this time.   Still not sure exactly what the end result is going to look like.

Drop by Judy's blog to see what other quilters have on their walls today.


  1. nice blocks, I didn't know what at "leader-ender" was until about a week ago. Now it seems like everyone has one going, very cool.

  2. I like the colors and if you like them then I am sure your son will like them too. What is important is that it is made with love by mom.

  3. What a nice block. The colors are great and it has a lot of pop.

  4. Love that block for your son. It will be so pretty when it's all together.

  5. I like that block and your son is going to love the colors. I'm excited about your l/e project. Good job getting so much done during the quiltathon.
