
Sunday 17 January 2010

Quiltathon - Day 2

It's been another fun day of quilting, at Judy's virtual quiltathonI started the day by pin basting a couple of quilt tops that were ready.  Didn't actually quilt them however, because I had other plans for the sewing machine today.  Nice bright backs, and the orange one is pieced from stash, which will help next week's stash report :)

After setting those aside (where they quickly became a bed for one of my cats) I started on my son's quilt.  It's been a while since I made a full size quilt rather than a throw.  It took a lot longer than I expected to sew 32 strips together and then cut them into sections.  This is where I was at noon, all set to create the 4-patches.

The afternoon got the 4-patches created, and I started looking at the next step. That's when I realized that my ruler and their instructions didn't match :(   So I measured and debated, and thought about it.  And finally decided that I could resize the blocks to make this work.

Hopefully the overall size will still work out, or I'll have enough fabric to make an extra row of blocks to increase the size.  But, after all that thinking and redesigning, I have these piles on my work table.  The triangle blocks are 3-3/4 inches, rather than the 4-1/2 inches from the pattern.  And hence the small block on the left was resized too (which is good, because their fabric requirements were cut way too close and I wasn't going to have enough of the center fabric for the original size block)

I put this sample block up on my wall - as encouragement to keep going on this quilt next time I get into my sewing room.  I must thank my friend, Canuckgal, for her help picking the colours for this quilt.  I think it's going to look great in my son's room.

Thank you Judy, for hosting a great weekend quiltathon.  I can't wait to participate again.  Now, I'm heading off to make some banana bread before the kids return, and then I'll settle in for the night with one of the quilts from yesterday, to work on the binding.


  1. I LAUGHED!! You can see the top of your cutting table! I did clean one end off last night so I could use the cutting mat! Good luck with the stash reports!

  2. Yes, a pretty impressive day, when it starts and ends with a visible cutting table. And even better when work gets done in between :)

  3. What a great block! Look forward to seeing this quilt grow!

  4. I LAUGHED TOO (and blushed)!!

    The colours look great and it certainly was a fun team effort to help you get those. What self respecting quilter wouldn't want any excuse to go shopping at a quilt store. ;-)

    As for the laugh, I could swear I could hear you saying the measurements didn't mesh up and you had to recalculate everything. SURRRREEE it was the ruler's fault! I think you love the challenge of resizing these things and goodness knows you are AMAZING at it. Once again, you impress me!
