
Monday 1 February 2010

Design Wall Monday - Feb 1

My design wall doesn't reflect all the work I did this week. That's because my son's quilt is almost done, and hence no longer hanging on the wall.  The strip you see on the right side of the picture is one strip of the piano key border for his quilt.  And here's the quilt, before it was trimmed for the borders.  The picture is sideways - sorry about that.

The other two blocks on the design wall are from a few years ago.  I was cleaning up my scraps buckets (3 bins into which I randomly toss all pieces of fabric, from yardage down to tiny strips).   As I cleaned up up, I came across these.  I took a celtic quilting class way back - that's the blue square.  At the time, I had a grand plan - to make a number of these blocks and turn them into a large quilt.  I made the blue & red pictured here, plus a yellow one.  And then I ran out of steam when I realized that they would never go together into a quilt like I was imagining, with the colour choices I had made.  

So, they are all going to become quilties for the children's hospital.   Yellow is ready for quilting (and thus not on the wall when this picture was taken).   Now I just have to figure out a setting for these 2.

As for the cleaning - I made good progress.   Tossed a bunch of too-tiny-to-use bits, folded all my yardage, and sorted most of the rest.  Now instead of 3 bins of stuff I can't find, I have 2 almost-neat bins and 1 pile of stufff I haven't sorted yet.  Here's one of them (purple/blue/red).  The green/yellow/brown piles are in the second bin.

Update: by "toss", I mean that I put all the unusable bits into a cat pillow, as described in my post a couple of days ago

Check out Judy's blog to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week.


  1. sounds like you are doing good with straightening stuff. I have to spend more time myself doing that.

    Kathie L.

  2. Love the quilt!!! What a great use for the celtic blocks. I always wanted to make one of them.

  3. Amazing what we can find in the scrap bin!

  4. I'm going to do the same thing Krista!

  5. I love your son's quilt! A suggestion for the tiny bit too small to save. Our guild is making pad for animals at the local shelter. We take any sturdy fabric(like denim, twill, etc)preferably in darker colors and make a pillow sack with an opening at one end of about 5 inches. We place near our cutting table and throw in all the scraps(fabric,batting, selvage, etc) we would ordinarily toss into the pillow sack. When they ar full (not crammed full, but nicely filled) we whip stitch the opening and send them to the shelter for dogs to use as beds in their kennel.

  6. I love the way your son's quilt is turning out!
