
Monday 8 March 2010

Design Wall Monday - Mar 8

I did not have a lot of time to sew last week, but I tried to make up for it yesterday.  On the left of the wall is my finished "sleight of hand" flimsy.   The card trick blocks were simple and very quick to make.  The setting blocks however, were much more detailed and seemed to take me forever.   However, it is complete, and made entirely from stash.

Beside that are 3 pairs of blocks for this month's block lotto.  They were fun to make, but more work than I expected.  And I certainly made a mess of my sewing room creating them, as I had most of my blue, green and purple scraps strewn across my cutting table before I was done.

Check out Judy's blog to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week.

Since I missed Stash Report Sunday, I'll include that here too.

I used 3.25 yards this week, for the 2 projects above, and nothing came in.  Not a bad week for the stash.

Total in this year - 42 yards
Total out this year - 46 1/2 yards

Net this year: 4 1/2 yards OUT


  1. Oh wow, love the card trick quilt.

    Kathie L.

  2. love the card trick-the setting really makes it. You're Lotto blocks are very cool, like the colors.

  3. I confirm what they said. Your card trick top is great! Love the way you made the blocks, seems to be much more easy than working with triangles. Very well done. Hugs.

  4. Your unexpected card trick project is done already?!?
    Great job!

  5. I love the card trick quilt~ I love the story of the card trick quilt~~ The lotto blocks will make a happy quilt.

  6. I love the alternate block in the card trick and the way you carried it out to become the inner border.

  7. The setting was well worth the work. Quilt looks great.

  8. Beautiful card trick and love the setting.

  9. Your card trick is beautiful. I can believe the setting took a long time. It looks complicated.
