
Wednesday 10 March 2010


I've been unhappy lately because I haven't been able to get into my sewing room as much as I would like.  A full time job, which has been requiring 2 evenings of my time every week in addition to the regular 40 hours, has taken a big chunk out of both my time and energy.  This isn't likely to change anytime soon, so I hope to adjust my expectations and goals to match reality.  Then I should be less annoyed when I don't get time in the sewing room during the week.

So, weekends will be my sewing time - some portion of them, anyway.  Have to allocate time to spend with the kiddos, too.  It won't be much longer before they don't want anything to do with Mom and have their own plans for the whole weekend.  This means that Wednesday accountability reports won't fit nicely into my schedule - I don't get a chance to crunch on Monday/Tuesday to make sure I have something to report :)

This past week was a good example. No sewing at all until the weekend. And then, as I posted earlier, I "unexpectedly started a new project".  Some might wonder how that can happen, but I suspect most quilters can understand.  That quilt is now ready for quilting - but that means there wasn't a whole lot of progress on the rest of my UFOs this week.

Next week is my guild meeting.  I have a number of quilties in progress, and I'd love to have them ready to take with me, so they can be donated this month.  So, I will see how many of those I can finish up this weekend.   Let's see if I can focus on quilting, rather than piecing, for a week.  My goals:

yellow celtic hearts (just needs binding)
red celtic hearts (needs quilting)
blue celtic hearts (a stretch - this top isn't done yet, so it's the bottom of the priority list)
tic-tac-toe (needs quilting)
sleight of hand (needs quilting)

Hop over to Bari's blog to see how other quilters are doing with their challenges.


  1. It is hard to make things happen the way you like, unless you plan for them. And, it looks like you are making great plans!!!
    I am learning to make a goals list, not daily, but weekly, with daily things I want to do stuck in my head. My sewing for 20 mins a day, really gives me some time, not much of it either, to stay connected to my projects and amazingly make progress on them!! this might help you too -
    but putting it down on paper what you want to do, really helps and stops me at least from jumping all over the place!! At least, I think it does!! lol!!
    You can make it happen!! Oh yes you can!!!

  2. It is hard to have a full time job outside the home plus the home stuff..Makes it hard to fit in any quilting time. Makeing the list helped me..I think it will help you to. Don't forget to enjoy what you are doing. LOL that is half the fun.

  3. Oh, Krista! I have been at this point before! It is SO hard to make time for all of it, especially with a full-time job plus more and a family.... I can remember after getting home from work, picking the kiddos up, fixing supper, getting them cleaned up and to bed...I was too pooped to pop 99% of the time.

    The goals and a list really help focus on what little time you do have. As Brenda said, a little at a time will get you a long way!

    I can't wait to see what you get done on your projects for guild. Do what you can...the rest will be there next week or next month!


  4. I like the new project tho - it is pretty. And give yourself a break - there are only so many hours in a day!

  5. It's really difficult to fit in all the work, home responsibilities, time with kids, family, friends, etc. but I really find that I do all of the above in a more productive and happier way if I get enough quilting time :)
    Good luck finding more time for yourself so you can stay well!
