
Sunday 21 March 2010

Stash Report - Mar 21

I busted stash for 2 quilts this week.
1.5 yards to finish the blue celtic quilt, and 1.5 yards for the top on "Rainbow Dreams".  I'm now debating borders on this, but I think I'm leaning towards no borders and bind it in a light cream.

As mentioned yesterday, I have 1 fabric purchase this week.   The bundle of 2.5" strips comes to about 2 yards of fabric.  I have an idea for this fabric, but it involves a quilt I saw about 3 years ago, and I'm having a heck of a time figuring out what the proportions of the blocks were.  It was a lovely blue quilt (scrappy) with yellow star accents made by replacing 1 of 6 strips in each (?) block with a yellow strip.  The question mark is because there might have been fewer stars than 1 for every block.

I think the blocks looked something like this, but the strips all being the same size seems wrong.  I think they were graduated lengths, but I can't figure out proportions that make sense.   Anyone ever seen a quilt like this, or have suggestions for the strip lengths?

My stash report for this week:

3 yards out
2 yards in

Total in this year - 44 yards
Total out this year - 49 1/2 yards

Net this year: 5 1/2 yards out

Check out Judy's blog for more stash reports.


  1. Could it have been one of the buzz saw type blocks you are thinking of? I think they are also called Majestic Mountains or something like that, but if they are set correctly they form a star.

    I might totally be off the wall on this one, so take it with a grain of salt!

    Rainbow dreams looks great!


  2. I so love your Rainbow Dreams!

    Sorry, I can't help you on the star block but I bet you will have it figured out in no time!

  3. Hello from a fellow Cdn! I love this quilt you made from your stash! It is so vibrant ~ Great Job! I also voted for your St Pattys quilt, it is gorgeous! Hope you win!

  4. Beautiful job on that Rainbow Dreams. It is so much more alive with all the colours. Perfect.

  5. Rainbow dreams is very nice - I like the containment of the rectangles and the freedom of the placement.
