
Saturday 20 March 2010

National Quilting Day

I'm told that today is National Quilting Day - in the US, anyway.  Not sure about here in Canada, but I'll celebrate with my American neighbors anytime.  How did I spend this quilting day?  Not quilting - instead I went on a shop-hop with a friend.  Six shops visited, several goodies purchased, and a pretty good poker hand, too.

I picked up some bobbins and a bobbin holder, and some extra basting pins.   I got got a blue chalk marker - I have one in white which I love, but it doesn't show up (of course) on the light fabrics, so this should solve that problem.  They fabric is a "moda scrap strips" bundle 2.5" strips of 30 different fabrics.  Now all I need is a project.

I also have a quilt in this week's "Weekly Themed Quilt Contest over at Quilting Gallery (  Pop over and have a look, and vote here (preferably for my quilt, "Green Daze"  :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I did sew today and didn't know it was 'national Quilting Day'!! And even if it's not in Canada, lets pretend it is for today!!
    And, you might not have been sewing, but you were thinking about it, and to me, that counts!! So, you did celebrate it too!! Supporting the people who provide us with the tools to do this hobby, is a way of celebrating!!!

    It is going to be fun to see what project that bundle of strips turns into!!!
