
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Accountability Challenge - June 1

Wow.  Being held accountable for my quilting plans sure does light a fire :)  Last weekend I posted my plans/hopes for this week - what I wanted to get accomplished.  And I made real progress on that list!

1. quilt Over the Rainbow - in progress, half done the quilting
2. quilt Rainbow Dreams - Done!
3. quilt the unnamed quilt (and name it) - ready for binding, still no name.
4 label & finish binding my black & white quilt - Done!
5. label (and name) my lavender quilt - Done!

I think I'm impressed - and certainly knowing that I would be reporting today gave me some incentive to finish.  Like last night - Rainbow Dreams got bound and labeled while I watched TV, because I really wanted it off my list this week.  Check out Bari's blog to see who else is being accountable this week.

Rainbow Dreams, shown here, is all set to be donated to the local children's hospital.  That probably won't happen until September, since I missed the last guild meeting where they collect donations.  But that's OK.  Hopefully it will have some friends to take along at that point.

Below are the other 2 quilts I finished this week.  Time Flies (on top) and Contrasts (on bottom).  No pics of the tops at this point.  They have to be boxed up and sent away shortly.

What's up for next week?  I think I'll be a little less optimistic this time, since it's likely to be a busy week.

1. bind the unnamed quilt (and name it)
2. finish quilting Over the Rainbow
3. finish mystery top
4. Pick one more UFO to move forward.

That's probably enough to keep me busy.


  1. Wow, Krista! You got a lot done! That extra incentive of having to report sure does make a difference! I love the Rainbow Dreams quilt, as will the final recipient.

    I can't wait to see what you get done next week!


  2. Great job this week. Hope you have the same luck this time! (Hoping my own is a bit better . . .)

  3. You have been busy.

