
Wednesday 1 June 2011

UFO Challenge

I mentioned last week that Judy over at Patchwork Times is hosting a UFO challenge this year.  I am late to part (really, really late), but I hope she won't mind if I jump on the train now.  Last week, I posted a plan for the week, and included a list of my current UFOs.  Actually, it's a list of 12 of my UFOs, not all of them.  Each month, Judy picks a number, and that's the UFO of the month.  The challenge is to finish that particular quilt before the end of the month.

Well, the numbers have aligned this month, so I think I'm going to join in.  When I did up my list of last week's projects, I considered picking #9 off my UFO list because May's UFO was #9.  I decided not to - it wasn't one of the first projects I pulled out, so I trucked along with my plans which included #4 and #8 on my list.

Low and behold, what number does Judy pull this month, but #8 - my Rainbow Dreams quilt which I completed yesterday.  So, I'm taking this as a sign that I should join in.  I'll swap 8 and 9, and #8 is my finish for May.  I'll add #9 to my to-do list for June.

Check out other May finishes on Judy's blog.


  1. Any way it works for you will be fine I am sure. A very bright and happy quilt - lucky for you. Judy C in NC

  2. Glad you joined in on the UFO Challenge. Anything that can help us meet our goals is a good thing!


  3. A finished quilt is always a good thing! Welcome to the UFO Challenge. It really helps (so far anyway!)

  4. Welcome! It feels so great to be getting things done!
