
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Accountability Challenge - June 29

It has been an interesting week.  And I mean interesting in the context of the Chinese curse - "May you live in interesting times".  Lots of changes at work - the end result is good, but the intervening time meant not much energy to devote to quilting.  I really wanted to quilt my indigo quilt this week so that it would be done for Judy's monochromatic challenge this month.  But on reflection, I really love this quilt and I want to quilt it "just right".  So I'm going to have to consider the options for some time, to decide what the right choice is.

That's a great excuse for not finishing it, right?  So we can ignore the fact that the mystery quilt (which has to be done first, because it's hogging all my basting pins) is still in the machine waiting to be finished.  For some reason this one is really hard for me to get motivated on.  And quilting in 5 minute segments means it is going to take me a really long time to finish. But I've promised myself not to start any more quilts until that one is complete.

So, how did I do on my accountability goals this week?

1. quilt the indigo quilt - not done
2. bind UFO #9 - 1/2 done
3. finish the linked squares top - Done

Well, #3 is mostly done - I still have to decide on borders.  But this is the stage I wanted to get it to this week.  1.5 out of 3 - not too bad, I guess, all things considered.

In addition to those items, I did finish one other project.  The skirt I had started for dancing is now done.  It seems that my dressmaking skills have survived the switch to quilting.

Check out Bari's accountability challenge.


  1. You had a good week..sometimes you just have to wait untill just the right insperation comes along to quilt that special top.


  2. I am late...LOL....but at least finally have internet back!

    Your skirt is cute! I really like the flow of it plus the colors are always wonderful.

    I also like your linked squares top. You have made good progress this week!

