
Monday 27 June 2011

Design Wall Monday - June 27

Today, my design wall is holding the completed linked squares quilt.  This quilt did end up turning into a jigsaw puzzle as I put it together.  The last few rows landed on the floor as I removed blocks to sew the first rows.  Fortunately, it seems to have gone together in the right order.  I haven't decided if I want to add a border, or just finish it like this, so I will probably leave it up on the wall for a few days while I ponder the options. 

Next up, quilt two quilts before Thursday.  Possible? Probably not.  But I'm making it my goal anyway :)  Really, only the indigo quilt needs to be finished, but I pin basted my mystery quilt, and until that one is quilted, I have no pins for preparing the indigo. So, two quilts it is.

The catch in that plan (other than the fact that I have to work, so my quilting time is limited) is the other project I started this weekend.  I wanted a new skirt for dancing, and since I can't find anything I like in the stores, I decided to make one.  I've had this fabric sitting on a shelf for years - found a pattern I like, and we'll see if my dressmaking skills have survived the multi-year hiatus.  I don't think I've made clothes for myself (other than track pants for hanging around the house) since before my kids were born.  My oldest is almost 17, so it has certainly been a long time.

The front of the skirt is complete, and I can hopefully finish the back today.  Then, I'll be able to do the quilting that's on the list.

Check out Judy's blog to see what's on other design walls today.


  1. Yikes! You certainly have a busy week in front of you! But as a great thinker once said, "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." I don't think you're in danger of aiming too low!! Happy Monday! :)

  2. Love the design of your quilt! I used to sew clothes but it has been so long I would have to start all over. Good luck!

  3. I love you linked quilt....It's going to be a beauty.

  4. The linked quilt is fabulous!! Good luck with the skirt. I have not sewn clothing for many years either and don't know if I even remember :)

  5. I just love your linked squares quilt-great design and lovely fabrics.

  6. I love this quilt with the pinkc. The pattern is great. I would add a border, but it can stand on its own.

  7. The linked squares are turning out wonderfully!

    I am making myself a dress and jacket for DD's wedding in a few months, but my clothing stitching has only been on hiatus for about three years, lol. The hardest part is the GIANT looking seam allowances after piecing/quilting for so long.
