
Tuesday 5 July 2011

All Abord(er)

The borders are now complete on the pink linked squares quilt.  The colours in this photo are odd -the outer background is actually the white part.  I'm not sure why the centers of some of those squares look so bright & white.  I used scrappy white/beige for the centers of the squares, and white tone-on-tone for the rest of the background fabrics.  I'm quite happy with the end result - and I'll get a better picture of it later, when I have someone around to hold it up for the photo.

Because this finish gave me some breathing room and some space in my sewing room, I decided to make a couple of blocks for the block lotto this month.  Wonky checkerboards - takes me back to the wonky tic-tac-toe blocks I just finished quilting.  These are really quick and easy blocks, so there may be a few more appearing on my design wall sometime this month.

And just because she's so darn cute :) This is Blossom, serving as a remote control/cell phone holder courtesy of son #1.  She looks downright embarrassed by the whole thing.

Now it's time to head back to the sewing room.  I can either clean it up for visitors coming next weekend, or get some work in on that dragon of mine.  Decisions, decisions.

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