
Monday 4 July 2011

Design Wall Monday - July 4

I spent most of the week quilting my mystery quilt - which is DONE!  Just have to bind that one now, and I'll be able to show a picture.  But that means my design wall hasn't changed much this week.  It still has the pink linked squares quilt on it.  I did make a decision on bordering the quilt, and I started on that last night.  I think this will go quickly, and then pink can come off the wall and join the pile of "to be quilted" - which seems to be growing this year, rather than decreasing.

Also out, although not on the wall because there isn't room, is my UFO for July.  Judy picked #2, which is my dragon stained glass quilt.  I've been avoiding this one for some time - hopefully this challenge will give me the incentive to actually make some progress on it this month.

Check out Judy's blog to see what other quilters are up to this week.


  1. you know the secret to getting a challenging UFO done is to work on it 20 min a day. You'll see the progress and will pick up momentum! The dragon stainglass it too cool and intense to sit in a box! He might burn his way through!

  2. Love the linked blogs. Very cool. I agree with Nina- Marie, working for just 20 minutes a day on a challenging project makes it a lot easier to face and finish. Good luck with this month's UFO.

  3. Way cool dragon quilt and lots of work still to be done. Nothing like a challenge to get you working on it. And, I like the idea of working on it just a bit every day. Another idea to consider is never stop work right after sewing, always have the next spot ready for stitching -- you might be able to squeeze in stitching a little bit while waiting for the coffee to perk or water to boil. Nice pin quilt too.

  4. Love the linked blocks. The pattern looks like it goes together fast. I may have to make this one.

    I have to agree with everyone else. A little time on the dragon quilt every day will give you steady progress without taking all your time away from other projects.

  5. I like your border idea for the pink quilt. Good luck with the July looks challenging!

  6. I have a LARGE dragon that I've managed to avoid for at least 15 years. I'm going to have to work on it sooner or later, I hope when I do that it looks as good as yours does!

  7. Congrats on a finish! I like your pink linked squares. And the stained glass project looks TOUGH! Have a happy week! :)

  8. Oh I think the stained glass dragon is going to be a masterpiece. Can't wait to see the progress on that one.
