
Monday 18 July 2011

Design Wall Monday - July 18

Lots of progress on my design wall today.  I have actually finished all of the stained glass on the dragon.  Still a number of edges to tack down, but the fabric is all in place now, and the dragon is complete. 

The other blocks on the wall are for this month's block lotto.  A fun, easy block to help me transition from the intricacies of stained glass to some more traditional quilting. I'll be cutting into the fabric for my blue quilt any day now.

Here's a closeup of the dragon quilt.  I have to say a great big thank you!! to Judy at Patchwork times.  If not for her UFO challenge, I don't know when this dragon would have been dragged out of the closet.  Once I got back into it, things went quickly however.  Just some final stitching and the borders to do now.  It's hard to believe, but this might actually be done before the end of  the month.

Hop over to Judy's blog to see what everyone else has on their design walls today.


  1. Your dragon is wonderful. Far too nice be be sitting in a dark closet.

  2. I know what you mean about the UFO Challenge...amazing how that simple program gets you to tackle projects. The dragon is so awesome!

  3. Your dragon piece is really nice. Looking forward to seeing how you finish it off. Aren't challenges fun! Sandi

  4. Isn't it exciting that the dragon is becoming a finished quilt...I love this stage when you can almost taste the finish!

  5. I love your lotto blks!! And the dragon is coming along really well! Beautiful!!!

  6. Totally cool dragon, and love the lotto blocks too. I agree, Judy's challenge has been really motivating.
