
Wednesday 20 July 2011

Accountability Challenge - July 20

I'm loving this summer.  Hot and steamy, and thousands of mosquitoes.  But it is summer, and mostly sunny, and life is good.  I am eager to have son #2 home from New Jersey at the end of the month, but in the meantime son #1 and I are hanging out. OK, maybe not together - he's hanging out with his friends, I'm hanging out with my quilts.  But overall a nice relaxing summer, and we do say hi to each other occasionally :)

The steamy weather and bugs are keeping me inside more than I expected, but that is allowing me to make lots of progress on my quilting.  Last week I set 2 goals:
1. Finish the head of the dragon stained glass
2. start on the blue quilt.

I'm thrilled to say I overachieved this week.  The dragon stained glass is done.  Just borders to do (which is on my list for this week) and then I'll have to figure out how to finish/quilt it.  I blocked it last night, so I should be able to add the borders this weekend.

And I did indeed manage to start on the blue quilt.  One block is complete, and cut lists are ready for the rest of the blocks.

So my goals for this week:
1. add borders to the dragon
2. finish the blocks for blue top (that's probably optimistic)
3. pull a quilt from the pile and make the backing and quilt it
4. mail quilts

Check out Bari's blog for more accountability reports today.


  1. Good list!! See! Mosquitos are good for something!!! ;-)

  2. Your dragon is awesome! He turned out beautifully and I can't wait to see the borders on.

    Your blue quilt is also looking good. Will all the blocks be the same?

    You are getting a lot done!

