
Monday 25 July 2011

Design Wall Monday - July 25

I spent Saturday taking my son on a tour of a couple of universities, as he has a big decision to make this year.  Thank goodness for air conditioning in the car.  It was a steamy day, but nice and clear for driving which was good.  The trip ended up twice as long as expected, as we added a second destination half-way through, so not much quilting was accomplished on Saturday.  I made up for that on Sunday.  Got a head start in the morning, before the heat set in too deeply, and then it cooled off again in the evening, so the sewing room was again tolerable.  Looks like the heat has broken for a couple of days, so hopefully more sewing is in the near future.

My design wall this week has some progress which I'm very happy with. The dragon is complete, and the blue quilt is starting to take shape.  I'll have to find a way to get a better picture of the dragon.

For more design walls check out Judy's blog.


  1. wow! congrats on completing the dragon - way to go - it looks great!!!

  2. Terrific dragon. I love the contrast between the three different sets, the delicate and precise pale blue stars, the the lively green and white and then the deep, bold flowing dragon.

  3. I love the blocks pictured and I am really WOWed by the stained glass quilt. I am going to be college visiting the next year too. I have my son home for 2 years but it is going to fast already. Good luck in the college visits.

  4. The dragon looks neat, love the stained glass look, I just did a flower that looks like stained glass.

  5. Your dragon is wonderful. Is this done in the stained glass style? I really like it.

  6. I have that dragon pattern but haven't even got it on my TO-DO list yet. Yours looks great!

  7. I just have to tell you that because I visited your blog - I now have those crazy 9 patches on my design wall too!!! I have one with a white background and a few with black as it's other colour. I am going to do them in my own version of a black and white quilt!! I love these blks so thank-you for having them up on your wall!!

    And I really like the newest additon to the wall!!

  8. Your dragon looks great with the borders! They really set him off.

    Way to go on both that and the blue quilt!

