
Monday 15 August 2011

Design Wall Monday - Aug 15

My design wal is showing a little bit of progress this week on the blue quilt.  I'm starting to accept the fact that this one is going to be a long-term project for me.  But progress is progress, and it's good see this one moving along.

I also have the quick quilt I did, to get my mojo back this week.  This was inspired by a block lotto month, where the blocks were based on the "Golden Rectangle".  I did some reading, because I could picture a cool disappearing quilt effect from this.  While doing that I stumbled across a reference to a golden spiral - created by joining the corners of each golden rectangle.  I was going to make that quilt, but the numbers are really awkward for quilting.  So instead, I did a Fibonacci spiral, which is made from nice, even sized blocks.


  1. Your blue quilt is really coming along...many new blocks since last week!

  2. I am enjoying seeing the blue quilt progress. I really love the color flow.

  3. I was not expecting a math lesson this morning - BUT - I also have never heard of the two things you taught me either (and if I did hear about them before - I don't remember!!) So it was neat to learn about the 'golden rectangle' and the 'fionacci spiral'. Don't know if I understood it, but thanks for showing me it!!

    And your blue blocks are beautiful!! You are doing a wounderful job on them. When it gets to be to much, make sure you take a break and don't feel pressure to work on them. It is coming along beautifully and I love how the colour flow....... Very, very nice!!!

  4. I love the movement you are getting in your blue quilt. It looks great, keep going with it, and it will come together.

  5. Fibonacci, you mean!

  6. looks great! I won't do a block with odd math, I can but choose not to. Love the interpretation brown block with the spiral.

  7. Great progress! And I think only you could do it with Fibonacci thrown in for good measure.
