
Sunday 14 August 2011

Stash Report - Aug 14

Now that my mojo is back, I have a little bit of stash busting to report.  1 yard used for the medium blue stars, and 3/4 yard used for my "mojo rejuvenation" project.

Totals for this year:
Overall, 15.75 yards in, 52 yards out.
Net for the year:  36.25 yards out.

In addition to quilting, I finally got motivated enough to mow my lawn.  I'm sure the neighbors are happy about that.  And thanks to a friend's update on Facebook yesterday, mentioning all the gardening and baking she got done, I went out and harvested my rhubarb finally.  The little plant I transplanted 3 years ago has really taken off this year.  I harvested several cups of rhubarb earlier in the season, and now today, this is what I got.  Just need to cut it up in preparation for freezing and baking.