
Monday 16 January 2012

Design wall Monday - Jan 16

I didn't do much sewing this week, but I did steal away for a few minutes, in an effort to have something to show today.  On my design wall is my last Monday Mystery project.  It's almost done - I just have to attach the top border.  The original design was a table topper.  I added a few blocks and moved all the border pieces to one long edge, to turn it into a baby blanket.  I haven't decided yet if it needs a border, so I think I'll just let that stew for a few more days.

Check out more design walls over at Judy's blog.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great baby quilt. I don't think I would add a border, just a dark binding. I put darker bindings on children's quilts because they get chewed on and drug around so much.
