
Sunday 15 January 2012

Stash Report - Jan 15

It's Stash Report Sunday, and I have absolutely nothing to report today.  No new usage, and very little progress on any of my dozen January projects.  I did manage to get the center of my last Mystery Monday quilt put together, so I guess that is progress of a sort.  Not much left, and the blocks are made, so I may be able to finish this week.

As for usage - not an inch.  So my stash report for this year is still the same:

0 yards out
28 yards in


  1. Sometimes our numbers do not represent the amount of work done. It is like eating an elephant. You take lots of little bits but the pile still looks the same and then all of a sudden it is all gone! Good luck with your January Projects.

  2. Sounds like you have many quilting projects that you will soon be able to add to your stash report. It is always fun to be in new fresh fabric to use with our stash.
