
Monday 23 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - Jan 23

My design wall is busy today.  I got started on my January colour challenge this afternoon, and it is coming along quickly.  That's the blue/burgundy/green in the lower left.  This is one of the quilts in the calendar I received at Christmas and I decided it was just right for this month's challenge.  Two more corners, and then the border to complete.  It looks like this will even be done on schedule - the top anyway.  I doubt this one will get quilted this month.

Also on the design wall are the blocks from the blogger's block of the month.  I just finished December's block, and since January is due out on the 25th, I decided to leave them on the design wall for now.  And on the right is the Monday mystery from last year that I finally finished.  That ones goes into the quilting pile, and will hopefully be finished before too long.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Your colour challenge is looking great!

  2. Your current projects look great. I need to get busy and get something up on my wall so I can look productive like you.
