
Saturday 28 January 2012

January Colour Challenge

The top for my January colour challenge is done, and ready for quilting.  This was an interesting pallet to work with - not something I would have chosen on my own, but I like the end result.

This probably won't get quilted before the end of the month. First I need to quilt my January UFO, and that will likely fill my quilting time for the next few days.

I'm looking forward to the next colour challenge, because I need some inspiration.  I've been in a bit of a quilting funk the last few weeks, and I'm not motivated to start anything new right now.  I have about 4 quilts waiting to be quilted, so maybe getting some of them done will provide the kick I need to get back into quilting mode.  Can't blame the lack of stash for my funk, because I hit a few sales before Christmas and have lots of stash ready to go.  Which reminds me - I should put that load of fabric into the dryer before it gets too late.


  1. I like that! Hope the new palette gets you out of your funk.

  2. Nice design! Hope the next palette inspires you!

  3. I like your design. I too have been thinking that I have been in a funk as well, eventhough I have some new Christmas purchases.

  4. Very pretty! I hate those funky dips...hope you're doing better:)

  5. I like the outcome in your top. The "neutral" of pink pulls it together nicely. I've been in a funk a bit too. I think mine is due to too many projects in my head! Hope yours is in the past now!
