
Monday 25 March 2013

Design Wall Monday - March 25

Here's a quick peak at what's on my design wall this morning. The wall actually went through several variations over the weekend, some of which I forgot to take a picture of. On the left side of this photo is a block for a new quilt I'm thinking about.  It didn't work out too well - lots of tucks - so I'll try again and see if I can figure out what went wrong, other than the fact that it's a circle.

I worked on my Border Creek Station mystery on Saturday, and finally finished up the March clue.  Just in time for next month.  I pulled out my guild mystery yesterday, determined to fix my mistake from the month before.  Apparently reading is a challenge and rather than making 12 blocks (leaving me with the bits to make 9 alternate blocks last month), I made 21 all the same.  So I had to unstitch and redo 9 blocks before I could get started on this month's clue.  That is all done, but unfortunately I folded it all up and put it away before thinking to get the camera out.  So photos will have to wait until next month.

Then, I pulled some fabric that's been sitting around, and put together some baby quilts.  First, a design from Batik Gems.  Done in oriental fabrics instead of batiks, and it's a little baby one.  I can't quite call it a miniature, but it's about 1/6 size of the original design.  Now that I know what I'm doing, I have fabric for a larger version in batiks.

Then I took 4 blocks from one of my BOM projects, and decided to turn them into a quiltie.  It's a bit odd, but hopefully someone will like the cheerful colours.

And the final pieces of my charm pack that I made 2 quilties from last month.  I have now put together this nickel brick quilt, thus satisfying 3 goals in one project - finish the charm pack, make a quiltie for next month's guild meeting, and make a nickel brick quilt.

Drop by Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Wow, what a lot of projects. And they are all so different: love it! You can't get bored in your quilting room, can you?

  2. You are one busy lady with lots of ideas! Great work.

  3. I have been in your shoes many times...reading too quickly, unsewing and sighing a lot but in the end, things work out. Hope you have a great week!!

  4. Great variety. And, wow! Kudos for getting so much worked on. Is Nickel Bricks from the Nickel book? I think I have both and I love how easy that looks to do. Great inspiration.

  5. All your projects are looking good. I especially like the charm pack, brick one for a baby quilt. So many quilts and too little time. Have fun with yours.
