
Friday 29 March 2013

March Finish

My UFO for March is officially complete! I guess this quilt wasn't really a UFO, since the block of the month just ended in February.  But, without some goal to get it done this month I'm sure it would have ended up as a UFO - and it is just too pretty to do that. 

Feathers quilted in the outer border (and one disaster, caused by careless unsewing, repaired).  Diamonds in the yellow border. And the rest of the blocks are done with stitch in the ditch, because I didn't want to mask the stars themselves. 

I'm linking up at Sew Bitter Sweet March finishing party.


  1. Krista, I think the quilting you chose is just PERFECT --those star blocks are twinkling off my screen ... and if you'd just let yourself FORGET about that little disaster and stop talking/blogging about it, no one will EVER notice it.

  2. Congrats for this beautiful finish.
    Happy Easter XXX

  3. Just beautiful – love that blue and red together
    – Tara
