
Tuesday 30 April 2013

April goals

The quilt retreat was wonderful! but a full report will have to wait.  First, I need to catch up on some goals, before time runs out.

A Lovely Year of Finishes challenges us to finish one project every month - and checkin before midnight on the last day with our progress.  I'd better get this done.

My goal was to make baby quilts out of my jelly roll race.  I have all 5 tops done.  The binding and final handstitching on them is May's goal.

And, Judy's "Get it Done" update is due today too.  Here were my goals for April, with progress noted
  1. make 2 quilties for guild - not done.  I have 3 tops quilted but not bound, and 5 quilt as you go just waiting to be handstitched.
  2. Quilt one more top (to be chosen) - not done. Nothing got quilted this month except the 3 baby quilts.
  3. Finish binding 3 quilts (checkerboard, ugly fabric challenge, and green geese) - 2 done, ugly fabric challenge is still waiting. 
  4. Gardener's Alphabet - complete 3 more blocks - this month's blocks (K, L) plus E - not done.
 Not such great progress this month.  And May is looking busy, so it's not promising either.  But let's try for these goals:
  1. finish 3 quilties for guild
  2. quilt a commission quit
  3. bind ugly fabric challenge in time for guild
  4. quilt the guild mystery before guild meeting
Hmm, all those goals are for early in the month.  Which is probably just as well, since the last 2 weekends of the month are already spoken for.

My button

1 comment:

  1. Your blocks from the jellyroll race look great. I like how you pieced them together. Wonder if that would work with my string pieced blocks. You accomplished a lot in April even though you didn't finish what you listed. I'd be happy with your accomplishments.
