
Sunday 12 May 2013

I'm still here!

One of my faithful readers (hi Mom! :) ) pointed out that I've been pretty lax about my blogging lately, and I still haven't posted photos from the retreat. Bad, Krista. I can't fix the lack of retreat pics tonight (I'll get the photos eventually, promise). But I have actually gotten back at my quilting this week. I've been a bit unmotivated the last couple of weeks. I think it was a combination of the quilt overload at the retreat, followed immediately by another busy weekend. And the fact that I really need to clean up my sewing room after burying it while packing for retreat. So I was avoiding the whole thing.

But I owed someone a quilt, so this week I managed to get it loaded on the long arm, and even finished in time to deliver on Saturday. And then when I came home, I cleaned up part of my sewing room (I can see the cutting table again) and today I put bindings on 7 baby quilties.

 I still have to stitch all those bindings down, but it is progress. Of course, while cleaning up my table I found a bunch of projects. I wouldn't classify them as UFOs - more in the line of orphan blocks. I'll have to get my act together a turn a few of them into quilts next month.

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