
Saturday 17 August 2013

A couple of finishes

Two tops finished today.  I completed the applique on my Border Creek Station Mystery. Well, almost. Just the edges inside the little cutouts to do now.  I'm kind of regretting adding that little detail :)  I apparently have until Oct 4 to get this one quilted, so it's going to jump the queue for the long arm. Speaking of which - the labyrinth quilt is past the halfway mark today.  If I get focussed, I may be able to finish it this weekend.

Second completed top is one I call "Just a Little Diversion", because that's what it was.  A diversion from applique (because that was a lot more work than I expected), using fabric that I bought trying to distract myself from a stressful couple of days.  It worked on both counts :)

And I even found enough fabric in my stash for backing for both of these.  In flannel!  Not sure how that happened, since I don't generally buy flannel, but there it was and they both worked perfectly for the respective quilts.  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. WTG Krista. You're on a roll. I really love how Border Creek Station turned out. Just lovely! A friend of mine bought some "tractor fabric" for her son. I will propose to her your "Just a little diversion" quilt and see what she think. It is simple and yet beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing.

  3. They are gorgeous. I love the applique that you put in those empty spaces.

  4. Your quilts both look great! I love the applique in the mystery quilt, it adds so much. The other quilt is terrific too.
