
Monday 12 August 2013

Design Wall Monday, Aug 12

My design wall hasn't changed too much since yesterday.  I did get a second applique block almost done (just have to stitch around the brown pieces on this one).  I am amazed how the applique makes the beige triangles stand out more.  I was nervous about adding the applique to this quilt, but I'm loving the result. And now I'm eyeing the first cream border ...

And I loaded a new quilt on my long arm.  The quilt show yesterday inspired me, so I'm doing more custom quilting on this one than I might have planned otherwise.  It's a nice diversion from the applique work.

Drop by Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Wow that applique really sets things off, what a great addition! Can't wait to see how you quilt Labyrinth, I had such fun quilting mine.

  2. Your Labyrinth looks lovely. Would love to see up close how you quilt it. Your applique looks awesome on your large quilt too.

  3. Love the appliques, they really make that empty space look just right.
