
Sunday 11 August 2013

Stash Report Aug 11

No finishes to claim this week, so my stash count is steady at 163 yards out.  Next week could be good, however, because I have 2 quilts that just need final touches.  I spent yesterday working on my Border Creek Station mystery quilt.  Borders are on, now - so I'd better not change my mind :)  - and I started the applique.  It's a lot of work (maybe I should have gone with something less detailed), but I like the result so I will push on with the next 3 blocks.

Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports today.  As for me, I'm off to a quilt show for the day.


  1. Love the blue and red with the shades of beige.

  2. It looks great! love the choices you made.

  3. I really like the look of your quilt. The colors really stand out nicely.
